Image credit: Projecte Equilibri

Chelsea Physic Garden, London, United Kingdom

The Apiary at Chelsea Physic Garden is owned and managed by beekeeper Peter James and is a member of the World Hive Network©. The data and insights gained from monitoring Peter James’ apiary will be freely shared with research and conservation projects working to protect bees around the world.

By sharing resources and fostering collaboration, The World Hive Network aims to multiply its impact and enable greater action to save bees.

In  2016  people heard for the first time that a number of trends — urbanisation, monoculture, destruction of flowering habitats, disease, predators, and pesticide use had reduced bee populations to alarming levels,  threatening  biodiversity and global food security, and contributing to the climate crisis. But by how much? Nobody knew and nobody knows even now but the World Hive Network is gathering the evidence to answer that question.


Other Projects

Restoring Beekeeping & Pollination, Ukraine

Restoring Beekeeping & Pollination, Ukraine

Until the Russian invasion, there were 4 – 6 million beehives in Ukraine and around 250,000 beekeepers. Ukraine was the largest exporter of honey to the European Union. No longer.