Image: Ingo Arndt

Protecting Pollinators, People & the Planet
“To support the sustainable, long-term well-being of life on Earth, research suggests we allow nature and people-based solutions to address biodiversity loss and the climate crisis.
In the name of all who – like us – strive to do the work but lack adequate resources, we invite the corporate business sector to recognise the need for a transition to sustainability and sponsor and finance initiatives that support the long-term well-being of life on Earth.”
Sabiha Malik
Founder, The World Bee Project
The World Bee Project CIC is the first independent initiative in the world that uses AI and advanced technologies to monitor pollinator and biodiversity declines from a global perspective to seek dynamic long-term solutions to benefit both nature and people, not one at the cost of the other. The data The World Bee Project generates can improve understanding of the interrelationships and interdependencies of plants and pollinators and their interactions with their bio-diverse ecosystems. It can provide new knowledge and fresh insights to fill the critical gaps in the scientific understanding of pollination and pollinator abundance, its varying relationships with different ecosystems, and its role in global food security, human well-being, and climate change. Most significantly, the data can reveal what more can be done to reduce pollination and biodiversity decline and mitigate and adapt to climate change. The evidence can also contribute to integrating best practice guidance for government policies on land management for pollinator protection and biodiversity restoration.
In parallel, The World Bee Project pioneers its social impact programme, Celebrating the Right to Life, Food and Shelter for Women in Adversity, in areas where conflict and adversity deny women the right to life, food and shelter.
We Need Bees. Bees Need Us.
Over 75% of the nutritious food we eat depends on pollination. Pollination sustains human well-being, a stable climate, food and nutrition security, crop production, wild plant diversity, ecosystem balance, healthy soils, clean air, fresh water, and beekeeper and farmer livelihoods.
Intensive farming, loss of floral habitats, deforestation, harmful pesticides, increased pests and pathogens, overpopulation, urban sprawl, and climate change are placing devastating pressures on the vital interactions between bees and plants. Bees provide essential pollination and ecological services, and many species are threatened globally, but we don’t know enough. We need to understand how plants, bees, and pollinators interact with each other and their environments.
What We Do
We put nature and people first.
Nature can deliver powerful adaptation and mitigation benefits, but people are central.
We know that 87% of all flowering plants depend on pollination and pollinators, and are critical for human well-being with regard to biodiversity, agriculture, and climate change adaptation, and in one way or another, essential for all ecosystem services. This is why, to promote long-term sustainability, pollinator protection and restoration must include developing and managing urban and rural landscapes capable of hosting diverse and abundant pollinator species.
When bees thrive, we survive.
There is a fundamental intertwining of pollination and pollinators, biodiversity, climate and human wellbeing. Bees potentially contribute towards 15 of the 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a minimum of 30 SDG targets. Our three interlinking pillars, the World Hive Network© the World Bee Mark© and World Bee City©, and our social impact programme, Celebrating the Right to Life, Food and Shelter for Women in Adversity, contribute to sustainable development and support the interdependencies between bees and people in the context of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). READ MORE
Our Mission
Protecting Pollinators, People & the Planet
Our mission and vision are rooted in the principle of effective altruism.
We aim to generate new knowledge and fresh insights and seek long-term solutions to address pollination, pollinator and biodiversity declines, climate change, food and nutrition insecurity, loss of beekeepers and smallholder farmer livelihoods, and threats to human wellbeing.
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